The Theki Blog Experience
First post on the new blog system

09 Jun 2023

First post on the new blog system

A new blog. I do-I don't know, I thought the first one looked... kind of disappointing? I hope they can improve- *sharp inhale* whuh? Oh my Go- Oh my God, they did it! THEY DID IT!! THEY USED JEKYLL, THEY FIXED THEKI'S BLOG!!!!!

Okay, nevermind, they didn't fix it at all.

I occasionally like to go back to where my old blog resided and just read the shit I whined about back then. God, I whined about a lot of shit. This, of course, is not what people read blogs for; rather, people read blogs to know about a person's interests and use what the author is invested in as a window of opportunity to learn something new. That's it. There is no whining involved in any of that. While talking about your personal life is fine, I find that the way I did it made it more of a diary than an actual blog in its own sense. I'm restarting things with the hopes that I can write more blog posts at a faster rate about things that are more interesting to more people than me. I think having to make posts manually tanked my morale so much that I could only talk about how much I hated school and life and similar things.

Fortuntately, I am now decked out with Jekyll. I no longer have to worry about the agonizing(-ish) process of creating an HTML file from a template, writing the post there, and then adding it to all.html. Now all I have to worry about is creating a file in a _posts directory and writing shit in there. Okay, sure, I then have to build the website and then transfer its files into Neocities... but still, it's a lot faster, and I like it a lot more, because even if some aspects might be slower it lets me change entire portions of the website that would be incredibly tiresome with the old iteration way, way faster. And I like that. You know, I like that a lot, actually. It... is good. Yes, very good.

I hope you like the look. I tried to make it like the old one but less boring/ugly and supported on even less browsers (something I'm quite fucking good at). The "all posts" portion of the website isn't finished yet because, like, I'm sick, and I don't feel like working on it. Everything else is (mostly) okay for the time being, though. I tried importing some pre-Neocities blog posts into here, so you may read those at your leisure. I might import posts from even more blogs in the future if I ever, like, feel like it. Seeing as it took me more than two years to fulfill the promise I made in that post in November of 2020, though, it might be a while.

Edit: Okay, I fucked up, changing site elements on this blog is still going to be just as exhausting because the process of importing the HTML files is still incredibly manual and laborious and it's going to remain like that until I get supporter status again and can use FTP.

Written on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400