The Theki Blog Experience
Switching to Hugo

15 Sep 2020

Switching to Hugo

goodbye jekyll, goodbye stackbit, goodbye joomla, hello hugo !!!
i have been trying to find a good website creator sort of thing for a while now, one that i can set up as static and easily upload to neocities, and the good folks there recommended me (or rather everyone) 4 sites, jekyll, next.js, hugo and some other one. hugo claims they make website making i tried it out.

im writing this right now in localhost as i look at the abysmal "1 minute read" marks under the post and the absence of tags. that is why i am making an attempt to extend this blog post as long as i can!!

first of all the automatic title capitalization is cool, along with the themes and the ease of use, i like it, it's cool, cool great

also after writing my last post no i did NOT get sleep paralysis that night and i still have yet to get it once in my entire life. as for the future of my blog im not even sure because as of writing this i still dont have hosting (which whill be on neocities) so i still have a ways to go before i can actually get this up and running

i did manage to use this website to write a letter to my future self in 2023 and 2021, it seems pretty cool, plus oculus. just. rolled. out. a. new. headset. it got leaked really but this really angers me because this is only a couple months
after i got my oculus quest and seeing them make a new, second version only one year after release is definitely infuriating. buuuut it does have a better processor so i guess that seals the deal for me at least

that's all i can think of, other than how im building a lego star wars walker thing set and i messed up on one part to the point where i gave up and left it as is. it still looks ok. i also may or may not have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for covid, which i guess is sorta good because that means i have no school today..yaaaaaay

i wrote this last night and i didnt have enough time to finish it so im editing it on 9/16 at 8:34 (as of writing) and ill probably write longer articles like these as well

i have not proofread this, goodbye, have a nice day

...unless something goes wrong again

Written on Tue, 15 Sep 2020 00:00:00 -0400